"In a world of great design, great things are born where blindsided generally established rules. We want the color, pattern and texture of the material together created something extraordinary from the ordinary. What is important is imagination and fantasy." Anthony Little
Company Parada operates on the Czech market since 1995. It was founded by an American lady Helene Wood with the intention to fill the gap on the Czech market high quality and renowned faultlessly English fabrics, wallpaper and textile decorations. Since 1997, it operates as a limited liability company and has established itself as the company with probably the widest range of English interior fabrics and wallpapers on the Czech market.
Paráda - prodej tkanin pro interiéry, s.r.o.
Chmelova 357, 500 03, Hradec Králové
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday by appointment.
Phone: +420 720 946 936
Anglická 384/25, Prague 2 - Vinohrady
Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 17:00.
We carry out orders on Friday.
Phone: +420 773 625 655
Parada agency s.r.o.
Chmelova 357, 500 03 Hradec Králové
Adam Krčmář
Tel: +420 722 949 984
E-mail: info@paradaagency.eu
Jakub Vávra
Tel: +420 723 633 901
E-mail: jakub.vavra@parada.eu
We sell fabrics and wallpapers designed for interiors and exteriors.